Free Indeed!

Have we really been set free from sin? Is that possible?

The truth is, God has done far more for us than most Christians have ever heard of. We may have difficulty feeling free or experiencing freedom from the things that endlessly derail us (e.g. contempt; anger; lust; pride; self-rejection; regrets; unforgiveness; the list goes on). And there are three major reasons why this is so:

  1. We have given up believing that real deliverance is possible.
  2. We have never been shown how to build a relationship with God that is strong enough to do this kind of work.
  3. We have never been trained in this kind of work.

Reasons 2 and 3 are addressed in the process of spiritual formation.
Reason #1 comes through revelation. And that is what we can encounter in the tons of passages that reveal the truth about our rescue and regeneration.

Reading through all the verses in this download can literally change our view of God’s heart for us!

Download “Free Indeed! Verses” Free-Indeed-Verses.pdf – Downloaded 548 times – 131.84 KB


You can also see David’s presentation “Free Indeed!” on our Streaming Site here, under “Presentations by David“.