Do Not Miss the New Reformation!

God is doing something NEW today!
Don’t get left behind!

A New Reformation has been underway for at least 35 years. Yet most of the Western Church is not even aware that God is moving — and moving in ways we have not seen for centuries!

The good news? This Reformation is still in its infancy. And waiting for the people of God to awaken to what He is doing in our time.

Three leading-edge moves of God have been growing for several decades:

We are witnessing today an unprecedented move of God. We dare not miss what He is doing!

#1 ==> Amazing Grace

We are today experiencing the grace of God in ways unseen for generations!

Never again must we reduce grace to a synonym for “getting to go to heaven when we die.” Grace means that God is actively doing a work in us that we cannot possibly do ourselves — transforming our character from the inside out! Grace is our means for living today!

Grace means that God can do for us and in us what sheer effort and determination will never accomplish, no matter how “committed” we may be.

You don’t want to miss what God wants for you today. For far too long we have hoped that God would simply overlook our condition, because that’s what we thought grace was all about. But God wants to transform our condition. And that, my friend, is grace at work in us!

#2 ==> Spiritual Formation

The path that leads to life is now far more evident and accessible that it has been in centuries!

Courageous leaders like Dallas Willard have opened our eyes to how God actually changes us from the inside out. We can learn how to engage with God in ways that literally transform us on the inside, so that we can develop the kind of character and life we see revealed in the New Testament. Becoming more and more like Jesus on the inside changes everything else about our life!

We don’t want to miss what God wants for us today. For too long we have relied on self-effort, trying to live up to a standard of Christian behavior. But God can change us into the people we all long to become, as we learn how to participate with Him in an authentic, interactive relationship!

#3 ==> Inner Healing

Breaking free from our present condition as well as our past, is now available to all who seek God’s healing and restoration!

Pioneers in the area of inner healing have shown us how we can engage with God to address our wounds, disable our automatic triggers, and free us from bondage!

We no longer have to limp through life or fight to keep our flesh from leaking out. God can heal and restore us to wholeness!

And this is just the Beginning!

God has so much more He wants to do in us and with us, to transform both His people and the world around us!

These three wonderful movements are just the tip of the iceberg.
That is why we must begin Re-Evangelizing the Western Church!

To see where this is all going — to be changed by what God is doing — to become active in God’s plan: You can begin by both learning how to participate with God and by immersing yourself in the greater revelation of what God is doing.

Learning to Participate with God

Knowing how to participate with God for life has always been the sticky point in our Christian walk. Some of us try way too hard to live up to the principles we see in the New Testament, and wonder why all our efforts produce so little change. Others hope that some kind of power encounter will transform their character so they no longer struggle. And still others wonder why bother at all, just wait for heaven.

But God wants to be our Father, Healer, Mentor and more. He longs to bless us with an abundant life! We only need to learn how to join with Him and actively participate in the ways He wants to work with us. That is what Forming: A Work of Grace is all about. And for an interactive, experiential course based on this book, we hope you will check out our course website: now celebrating ten years of changing lives!


Discovering Where All This is Leading

The New Reformation will change everything we thought we knew about the Christian Life!

Everything from Grace to Forgiveness of Sin to Sanctification and Christian Identity will be transformed into life-giving truths and God’s activity to reclaim His children for Himself. And areas that have been neglected for many years will come to the forefront of our message, such as Kingdoms and Covenants, and what it means to become an Apprentice of Jesus!

Copernicus 2.0 will change forever how you see the plan of God for His people and the world!


Other Resources

For starters, check out our Recommended Reading List.

[ other resources coming soon ]